Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hell has frozen over...

Did you hear it? (Actually, does it make a noise when it freezes over...). Well, I never thought I'd see the day but they have added a new medication to my regimen-- ONE TO INCREASE MY APPETITE!!! Now you know "Old Pam" is in bad shape. (And how can this be possible when The Food Network has become my default channel? I assure you, I've been their top viewer for the last 3 weeks!)

The first couple of weeks after I came home from the hospital I literally ate everything in sight. My friends were so wonderful in bringing tempting dishes over for us, and who could resist?!? But now I'm just not so interested. So they're having me drink some vile liquid stuff every morning. I'll let you know how that goes.

The Gray Murk hangs on. I can see no progress this week at all. My shoulder is feeling somewhat better and I'm back off the Percocet, which is a good thing, but still not sleeping so well. Last night I took 2 "Restaril" and a Percocet, and... NOTHING. (My pharmacist brother-in-law will probably have a fit when he reads this!) I think I must have dozed off finally sometime after 3am. But when I lie in bed at night I do feel closest to my "old self." I can make plans for the following day and I actually feel more energized than I do during the day. But then daytime comes again and I'm faced with the reality of showering, which is still a challenge, and all the other things necessary to "go out," and I just go to the couch instead. The spirit is strong, but the body is still weak.

I have found a new friend in "Xanax," or as I call it, "the medication that keeps me from bursting into tears at odd times and in front of most anyone." A condition I definitely need to get under control.

My family remains my constant support. Friends have been so great with beautiful cards and notes and calls, but I just don't feel like talking yet. Kind of like I have to get my head screwed on right before I make my "debut." How terrible would we all feel if I just burst into tears? Gotta' get that one under control. So I do try to talk with the kids and be there for them-- that's the extent of it for now.

I'm sure most of you know that Allison, our oldest daughter, is pregnant with our first grandchild, and due in early October. I really have spent some "quality" time with her the last couple of weeks trying to help her put together her list of baby "needs" and register them. Who knew this would be so hard? Back when we had kids, you got a few "onesies," some undershirts, and if you were lucky, maybe a swing or diaper pail. Now, there are 5 pages of swings to choose from alone-- and you have to read the comments, and study the safety listings, and GEEZ-- I've been using more brain cells than I gave myself credit for! But I am quite enjoying it and it keeps me from being totally bonkers. (The spirit so wants to actually GO to the baby store and look at all this stuff, but so far I've been confined to the internet. At least I can do that.)

Will try to post again when I have more positive news and less whining...


  1. I consider whining as kind of like releasing the steam from a pressure cooker. No steam release, then you run the risk of KABLOOIE!! Really appreciate your updates and hope maybe to see you next week? I'll call but won't worry if you dont' answer yet!


  2. You are such an amazing person and what a great writer. You should consider writing a book. I miss seeing you and talking with you but I understand that you are not in the mude for phone calls. We have lots to share and talk about when you are feeling well. I think about you alot and pray for you daily and know that you will be just fine. Hang in there with the treatment. Thank GOD for doctors, they seem to know what they are doing! You have an amazing attitude and personality. Love, Stacey
