Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Reprieve

Today was supposed to be the first day of my second chemotherapy cycle, but I got a reprieve. I showed up, got hooked up, and the first thing they do is check my blood (After the poking and prodding to find the port, and inserting the needle, I might add...). Anyway, the blood results came back and my white cell count is very low so the doctor decided to push back my next treatment for a week. That will give my body another week to recover. So they unhooked everything and I came home! It's kind of like getting a snow day-- today is free but I know I'll just have to make it up on the back end.

Please keep prayi ng...

1 comment:

  1. Did they tell you what to eat to boost your blood level? Work hard at getting that blood level up! It'll make you feel better too. It's nice to take a break but I'd just as soon get it over with! :) Rest, eat, rest, eat!!!! Have a good week and keep us posted. Stay positive and we'll keep praying.
